Contrary to appearance, we are not pro-heterosexual.  

Thank you so much for joining our website, and learning about greater intimacy and connection with others.  Please excuse what appears to be a heterosexual bias.

 It would be entirely out of touch with reality, to not notice and acknowledge that gender is becoming increasingly fluid. The roles of men and women, of masculine and feminine, are no longer compartmentalized or rigid definitions.   

There are countless examples of people and of couples, who adjust these roles for individual expression.  Gender is now seen as separate from the sexual organs you may possess.  

Once upon a time, if you possessed a pussy, you were a woman… if you had a cock you were a man. Once upon a time, if you were a woman, you demonstrated feminine qualities… if you were a man, you demonstrated masculine qualities. Women were expected to act one way and men were expected to act another.  These outdated gender roles are still utilized in certain cultures.  

Let me be very clear, we at Tantra Union know this is not truth. We know that people are not two fixed rigid black and white roles. Gender is a continuum of expression and it flows.  This flowing is a good thing because rigidity does not describe reality.  Rigidity does not serve people living in a free society. Fixed social roles are archaic and obsolete. 

Yet our site discusses frequently, masculine and feminine, as if they are rigid definitions. We do this in order to teach you.  To clarify the polarity of energies  so you can see the extremes. 

Tantra Union frequently utilizes “once upon a time”, fairy-tale language on our website.  Here, you will often find that male and female interchange with man and woman. Please do not take this to mean that we believe this as reality.

We utilize these words to simplify the teaching.  We do this to clearly demonstrate how masculine and feminine energies interact.   In any given example, the man could actually be the more feminine one, or vice versa.

Many eastern traditions, including tantra, use the words “yin” and “yang” to describe the two “sides” of reality.  This concept is foreign to many Westerners, so we instead use “man” and “woman”, or “masculine” and “feminine” in our tantra teachings.

As the reader, you must first understand the teachings and concepts and then apply them to your own life.  Take the black and white information, and personalize it to fit your own colorful, diverse reality.

We all contain elements of masculine and feminine inside and we are attracted to people who complement and counterbalance.  I have often witnessed androgynous people being attracted to other androgynous people, more feminine people being attracted to more masculine people and vice versa.  Nobody is 100% masculine, nor 100% feminine, we are all blends. Certain cultures exist that define even more than two genders, in a very flexible, and moving definition of reality.  Let us not be trapped in hard concepts, for we are pliable and soft creatures, with hearts and emotions that move and feel.  

Yes, this site contains extremely, heterosexually-biased language.  No, we, in no way, shape, or form, encourage an extremely, heterosexually-biased reality.  Short and sweet, life is not straight and neither are we.  We embrace and enjoy a world of gender play and role play, and we invite you into this world with open arms, open eyes, and open minds. 

We encourage you to use these tools and information to deepen your understanding of the two gender extremes (the masculine and the feminine), and to productively apply them to your life in a healthy manner.   
