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Forest of Delight

in the forest of delight we dancein and out of sightday flows into night everything feelsit feelsall right in the forestI inviteyou and melet’s ignite you are in meand I’m in youwe are oneand we are two making lovelike falling leavestossed in windthru sun and trees...

Double Your Pleasure: Yin and Yang

What if I told you, that there was a secret room you could go in and there was an entire universe of pleasure equal to what you already know? You could literally double your enjoyment and sensuality ... We explore first, the balance of opposites, YIN and YANG, then...

Grasp the Ocean… Poetry

sink into me let me rock you as your cares fall away watch them sink like clay stones dissolving thru the depths of unneeded and unknown ... I would love to have you read this article and more ... Please Join my private library as a FULL MEMBER, to access this...

You Just Came and Now You Want To Go…

This is about post-orgasmic freak out, or post-orgasm flight response... ever had that? It a type of mind-body inner-conflict, where you want to flee from the situation, after completing an orgasm. Lets face it, our bodies can take over and take us just about...

Finding Your Bliss

What is Bliss?  Why have we forgotten it?  If I told you that it was a natural state of being would you believe me? Bliss is a natural body response... If you doubt for a moment that bliss is natural, watch a baby delight in holding it's toes! Just as your mind can...

Porn, Addiction & the Road to Hell

We all have them, whether it’s chocolate or cocaine, shoe shopping or porn watching, we have subtle things that we render harmless, or think that everyone else is doing it, so what’s the big deal.  The bottom line is... sexual energy is very, very powerful, and what...